ReDesign: The Democrat & Chronicle

  • Redesign this home screen.

    It is the title screen for the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle’s website.

    The screen is intended to introduce a 4-part collection of images from each season of the year.

  • Create redesigns for desktop and mobile:

    Each redesign should include the home page (for desktop and mobile) and one interior page (for desktop and mobile) -- a total of four screens. Page designs should be responsive.

  • Include all the information on the page.

    Add additional photographs from stock images (optional).


This was a challenging beginning design; in some ways, there was so much opportunity, but I also felt constrained by the specific copy that needed to be included on the pages.

I began this project by doing some research on Rochester, New York. This upstate city boasts beautiful landscapes, rich wineries, and breweries and is prideful of its artistic culture. I wanted to emulate how Rochester’s citizens viewed their town with a clean, bespoke, and gallery-like approach.

The neutral color palette to avoids competition with hero images. I favor the desktop webpage interior the most; I showed the hover states of images (having only the hero image in color; all others in the previews are black and white) and potential features for carousels with arrow guides. I prototyped the Mobile + Mobile Nav + Interior Page (Winter) and the Desktop Homepage + Desktop Interior, Winter. I prototyped external links to The Democrat and Chronicle’s website and the photographer Will Yurman’s portfolio website. I was not sure how to do alt-image text for this project